
About For Beginners:

For Beginners® is a documentary, graphic, nonfiction book series. With subjects ranging from philosophy to politics, art, and beyond, the For Beginners® series covers a range of familiar concepts in a humorous comic-book style, and takes a readily comprehensible approach that’s respectful of the intelligence of its audience.



Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Will FDR Era Economic Policy Save The World?

Are national governments around the world on their way towards making the same catastrophic mistakes that were made in the 1930s or are they making sufficient bounds towards financial recovery? This New York Times article seems to think that "it’s impossible to know which prediction will turn out to be right. You can find good evidence to support either one."

Some of the world's major economies are going to repeat economic policy from the 30s. By cutting spending and raising taxes, they are going to attempt closing up budget deficits that have been plaguing GDPs around the world since the start of the recession in 2007, and in some cases, even earlier. FDR did this in 1936, resulting in what some believe to be a prolongation of the Great Depression. But things have changed since FDR's presidency. The question is, have they changed enough?

Read the article and take a look at our forthcoming book, FDR And The New Deal For Beginners -- a unique and creative look at FDR's presidency, the issues he faced (many quite similar to the issues today), and how he dealt with them -- and decide for yourself.

Contest Winner Has Been Drawn!!!

Today at 10:48:32,'s integer generator spat out the number 38. What does that mean exactly? It means we have a WINNER for the FDR and The New Deal For Beginners Giveaway!!! We can't say who lucky number 38 is just yet, but stay tuned and we'll post his/her name right here when we get a confirmation.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The First Submissions For The 'Where Do YOU "Begin?"' Photo Competition

The First Pictures are in! Enjoy some of these great shots of people (and other things) reading our books and go submit your own!

...And a few more


I don't know what it is but we over here at For Beginners just feel like giving away some free books. It must just be a generous time of year. We currently have two contests running on Facebook.

The First is to win an advance copy of FDR And The New Deal For Beginners. Just friend us on Facebook and RSVP to the event and you could win a copy. But hurry, the contest ends TONIGHT at 9:00!

The other is the "Where Do You 'Begin?'" photo contest. Again, friend us and RSVP to the event then show us pictures of you reading our books. The winner will win a copy of any For Beginners title they want!

And word has it there's a contest lurking in the near future. You heard it here first. Stay posted for more.

The links to both contests are under the "Our Links" menu on the right.

New Indie Bookselling Model: Publish Own Handselling Favorites

New Indie Bookselling Model: Publish Own Handselling Favorites

Monday, June 28, 2010

FDR and The New Deal FB Has A New Trailer

Click here to see it in full 360 and 480p on YouTube

First Post

Ladies and Gentlemen, the For Beginners Blog is officially go. We're not proud of the way it looks or the content, but hey, it's a whole lot better than our attempt on wordpress. From here on out, we at For Beginners will be releasing all the information YOU want to know right here on this site. Expect BIG changes in the very near future.