
About For Beginners:

For Beginners® is a documentary, graphic, nonfiction book series. With subjects ranging from philosophy to politics, art, and beyond, the For Beginners® series covers a range of familiar concepts in a humorous comic-book style, and takes a readily comprehensible approach that’s respectful of the intelligence of its audience.



Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Black,Hispanic,Asian,Arab,White,Klingon, Borg History Months? Are they relevant?

With racial inequality still in question we must wonder are months such as Black History and National Hispanic Heritage Month relevant in today’s society? In an interview with 60 minutes Mike Wallace, Morgan Freeman adamantly despised the fact that we still have a Black History Month The video since its inception has gone viral with over 1 million views to much delight and dismay. In the video Morgan Freeman expressed his opinion by stating “you’re going to relegate my history to a month?” he continued “what do you do with yours? Which month is white history month?” two questions, that to many, certainly makes sense. Freeman then asked Mike Wallace, who is of the Jewish faith, “which month is Jewish month?” to which Wallace replied “there isn’t one” Freeman then asked “do you want one?” Wallace quickly replied with “no, I don’t want one.” So does the question of race really need to be asked in this globalized society? Or are we still stuck in the 18th century enlightened era? What do our followers think?

1 comment:

  1. So does the question of race really need to be asked in this globalized society? Or are we still stuck in the 18th century enlightened era?

    So long as Race enters significantly in the politics and decision-making of the Nations, the issue is still very much with us.

    So long as the History taught in schools is not global and ethnocentric thee History Months have some validity.
